Important Facts That You Should Know About Jugglers.

3 min readApr 3, 2020

Juggling is a great way to sharpen your concentration, burn some calories and it’s a great way to impress your friends if you’re getting really strong.

Juggling is also the circus troupe’s most well-known skill, which is why everyone expects to see at least one juggling act on their way to the circus.

Juggling has existed for decades. A painting dating back to 2000 BC on an Egyptian grave depicts a man juggling for an elusive prince!

Juggling is today a form of entertainment, but for ancient Chinese warriors this was not so. They used this ability before fights, to scare their enemies.

Would you like to try Juggling? Start with scarves as the easiest things to jugglers in Dubai with should be theirs.

Studies says juggling improves 10 per cent hand-eye coordination and consumes up to 280 calories per hour. Since it includes all sides of the brain, in the long run it will help avoid Alzheimer’s!

Read all about it and more about these 10 amazing juggling facts!

1. The earliest recorded depiction of juggling appears painted for an anonymous prince on the walls of an ancient Egyptian tomb, dating back to around 2,000 BC-that’s over 4,000 years ago!

2. The Chinese Book of Lie Zi, written more than 2,300 years ago, depicts a warrior holding seven swords at once.

3. In 1066, William of Normandy’s warrior-bard Taillefer juggled in front of the enemy lines and made the first killing at the Battle of Hastings. One in the eye maybe for the English.

4. In America’s first circus, George Washington saw the Englishman John Bill Ricketts juggle on horseback.

5. Ancient Chinese guerrillas will try to scare their enemies by juggling before battle!

6. Roman juggler Tagatus Ursus was, according to his graved tombstone, the first person ever to juggle glass balls.

7. Charles Hoey was the first man to juggle with four clubs-but without losing them he couldn’t stop, so the curtain had to fall down when his clubs were still on the move.

8. Juggling consumes 280 calories an hour, about the same as badminton play.

9. Young girls on the island of Tonga were frequently seen in the late 1700s juggling limes, gourds and even nuts, with some observed juggling up to 7 things at once!

10. Jim Harrigan, who was the first ‘Tramp Juggler’ and one of the first jugglers to start incorporating comedy lines to his act, was the first to start using cigar boxes.

So, you might think about how many kinds of juggling balls there are. So let’s just satisfy your thrust and let you know about the styles

Beanbags– this is the most popular. It is available in a range of colours. It’s one of the most famous jugglers ‘balls. That’s because when it’s dropped, it doesn’t bounce and doesn’t even roll too far.

Stage balls-These kinds of balls are used during stage performances. If you’re a new user of that, it’s just not for you. And if you drop these balls off your side you’re not going to be able to manage it!

DX / Russian balls-This ball can be viewed as a mix of beanbags and stage balls. It is made with an outer shell of PVC, to keep its weight constant.




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